Month: June 2009

  • New beads and jewellery in the works...


     I brought a bunch of really nice ceramic beads/buttons and pendants from the amazing Gaea, here is some of her work:

    Amazing huh?

    I thought the colours and textures that she uses would go well with my glass beads, so I'm looking forward to them arriving.

    I've been really slack lately with both making beads (the cold weather has kept me out of the garage) and making jewellery, so hopefully the arrival of my new stash of ceramic beads will kick me off again.

    I have set aside some time this weekend for 'bead stuff'... I have a kiln load to fire, another kiln load to clean, and once that's done? Then I'll have two kiln loads ready to make jewellery with.

    Most of the beads I've brought from Gaea are in blues and greens, so I guess I better get a bunch of blue and green beads made.

  • Ross and I 'eloped' on Friday

    After 'meeting' 8 1/2yrs ago via our blogs here on Xanga, Ross and I got married on Friday, June 5th, 2009.

    We got married in front our our families in the Registry Office off the 'Old Treasury Building' at 3pm.
