Month: December 2008

  • A new back yard...

    My parents here for the next few weeks and they are going to help us build a new back yard.

    At the moment my Dad is out the back on a little digger turning the slope that we have at the moment into a terrace.

    We won't have it completed by the time they go home, but we should have something usable!

    Photos to follow...

  • So, I brought a new car.

    Actually, it's an ex-demo, but it's got 250km on it, so pretty much, it's new.

    It's a Mazda 2, Genki.


    This is not the car I brought, but it looks exactly like it.

    Same make, model and colour.

    Mine has all the same features.


    Hop in, lets go!



    I admit it isn't the coolest of cars, but it's actually pretty roomy for a little car.

    And Ross can fit his knees under the wheel,
    although I can't image he'll want to drive it long distances,
    but I'm sure he won't mind being a passenger.

    I should take delivery of it in the New Year.


  • So...

    ...Ross and I have been looking for a new car. We thought we'd found one last weekend, but it turns out it wasn't the car for us. (It's a long story, don't ask.)

    Each car we see we have to run it through the mental list of things we want in a car, and if it ticks all those boxes it's getting the bonus questions: "Will a car seat fit in the back of this? Will a pram fit in the boot?"

    As most of you know that I've had two miscarriages this year (and I've got an appointment with a specialist in January which is good news. I am hopeful that he'll be able to help us stay pregnant.)... but anyways,  I must admit I'm finding the whole looking for a new car experience depressing.

    Today I got really excited... "Oh, I could have a VW Beetle. I've always wanted a V-Dub! Ever since I was a kid! Look at this one, it's great!" links and photos are being emailed to Ross "OMG, no I want this one!"

    Of course he's much more restrained "Will I fit in one? Will a baby seat fit in the back? Will a pram fit in the boot?"

    Oh yeah, I can't have a baby.

    It's not rational. I know that. If I was pregnant, we'd be answering the same questions!

    The fact that it's irrational and stupid is making me even more sad.

    Does anyone have a suggestion for a slightly funky, smallish (but roomy), car that a baby seat and a pram will fit into...

  • if I like...

    if I like exercising to early 90's rap (House of Pain, Cypress Hill, Shaggy, Tag Team., Run DMC, Scribe) what music that 'today's youth' are listening too will I also like?

    (I want to by some new stuff to work out to)

    any suggestions?